Thursday, August 10, 2006

Тяжелый День (The Heavy Day) - S/T (Melodiya,1989)

By 1989 thanks to President Gorbachev's "Glastnost" (relaxing of cencorship) the Soviet rock scene was flourishing and the Heavy Day (or the Hard Day) were one of the bigger acts of the time from Moscow. Self Titled, their second LP here is pure, well-played hard rock bordering on metal, or rather "hard n' heavy", a term used in Russia to describe hard rock of this variety which had more of an edge to it. As the blurb on the back of the jacket states this LP showcases the bands tried-and-true as well as mature material. The "mature" tracks being two very long and rather boring ballds on side A, not a very good start (of which I've spared us). However past those there is some rather upbeat hard rock here with a definite thrash and NWOBHM influence displayed esp. in songs like "Ogon" ("Fire") and "Begstvo Iz Nevedinia" ("Escape From Ignorance"). Apparently The Heavy Day are still active, probably playing the "mature" material that debuted here...

В Полет (Take Flight)
Огонь (Fire)
Бегство Из Неведения (Escape From Ignorance)
Сделай Вздох (Take a Breath)



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