Wednesday, March 28, 2007

No more "personal blog"

I deleted "my personal blog" because since I started it I realized how much I don't like or want to talk about myself or my life on the internet. Especially since sites like can potentially save it forever! Fuck that. Besides, my life is boring...keep reading this one though!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

MASTER - Talk Of The Devil LP (Moroz, 1992)

Here is Master's third and best-yet LP - "Talk Of The Devil". Released in 1992 on Moroz Records (not state-run Melodiya). By 1992 the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was officially no more and Master was a very different band than in 1986 when they released their S/T effort. "Talk Of The Devil" is 100% thrash through and through, hard and driving with the lyrics being a lot more varied and abrasive. At that point there was no more censor boards to get approved by and the playing field was open. Sadly (not speaking of Master) these new found freedoms of expression also unleashed with them murky oceans of racist and NS bullshit which would have landed fools in prison just a couple of years prior. "Free Speech For The Dumb" indeed. Oh well, the country has been through much worse. Enjoy this, more gritty and evil Master!

file: (LINK RE-UPPED per request)
